Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Corps May Have a New Toy - The M27

From what I understand the Corps has been testing a variant of Heckler & Koch’s HK416, called the M27 and is contemplating the new weapon as a replacement for the M249 or SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) which in my personal opinion isn't a good move because ...

The M27, with a normal 30 round mag (50 and 100 rnds avail), doesn't have near the fire power capability as the M249 with its 200 round drum of belted ammo. The M27 is a more likely replacement for the M16 or M4. It is a damn fine looking weapon and if it is anything like a shortened HK 92 it is most definitely a fine weapon. You can read more about the possible integration of the M27 as an IAR (Infantry Automatic Rifle) here: Marine Corps Times


  1. The Marine Corps already chose the H&K as the IAR.


  2. Greg, you are right. It has been selected and was thought to be in the field by summer of 2010. But from what I understand General Conway wasn't all that hot on the replacement. The Corps has orded 450 weapons from Colt and FN. Whether or not the new M27 sees field duty as the SAW replacement will be up to the new Commandant, General Amos.

    If you know for sure that the M27 is operational (Marines deployed in Afghanistan or Iraq are using it) I'd appreciate the update. Thanks for reading my blog. Semper Fi
