5 Reasons to Join the Marine Corps

The Marine Corps Times lists 232 reasons to love your Corps and one could definitely consider all or at least a large majority of those 232 reasons as reasons to join the Marine Corps as well but aside from those good and potential reasons I'd like to list some other reasons to join the Marine Corps.

The U.S. Economy

With unemployment at an all time high, since the Great Depression, the economy inside the United States easily dictates the need for what many mothers might consider as drastic measures for their young teenaged sons and daughters, joining the military as a career. If you are finding it difficult to obtain gainful employment, lack funds for college and are of good moral character you may want to consider that to be a good reason to join the Marine Corps. The Marines are always looking for a few good men or women and for those who qualify the Corps offers steady employment.

Free Medical, Dental and Life Insurance Benefits

President Obama may have pushed through his so-called health care reform with certain benefits for some with the money to afford health care but when you join the Marine Corps you will have complete health, dental, and eye care at no charge. I did a real quick quote via Premera for basic health care (no dental or eye care) for those who are single, under 25 and don't smoke. If you purchased their best coverage you'd still be responsible for 20% of any bill and you'd pay $5,100 per year in premiums. If your employer offers health insurance your employer may cover a portion of the costs of a quality health care plan; however, they are not required to do so but when you join the Marine Corps and you'll have 24 hour per day total health, dental and eye care anywhere in the world with no deductibles, co-pays, or premiums. You'll also receive a life insurance policy for $250,000.00 absolutely free.

Travel Benefits

When you join the Marine Corps you have the potential, depending on your MOS, to travel to foreign places, meet new and exciting people and if they are enemies of the United States, of course kill them. Your travel is always paid by Uncle Sam as are your meals and lodging in fact no receipt is necessary for travel claim expenses less than $75. And for you cruise lovers the Marine expeditionary units provide the cheapest cruises you will ever take.

The Training

Depending again upon your MOS (Military Occupation Specialty) you may become highly qualified and in demand for civilian employment should you decide to re-enter the civilian world. Certain Marine billets such as aircraft maintainence, communications, data processing and others will help you secure employment in the civilian world.

Career Benefits

These include obtaining a college education on Uncle Sam, Marine coruses and schools, VA loans for buying a home, retirement income and medical, commissary privilidges and lump-sum re-enlistment bonuese up to $80,000 which if invested wisely could help you retire in comfort after 20 or more years of service and at a fairly young age, as young as 37. Imagine retiring as young as 37 with a nice pension, full medical, commissary privilidges and an outstanding nest egg due to 4 or 5 lump-sum, wisely invested re-enlistment bonuses.